Canadian and American Reformed Churches

Canadian and American Reformed Churches
Classification Protestant
Theology Orthodox Reformed
Governance Presbyterian
Associations International Conference of Reformed Churches, North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council
Origin 16 April 1950
Lethbridge, Alberta (Canada)
Branched from Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Liberated)
Congregations 54
Members 17,093
Statistics as of December 2009[1]

The Canadian and American Reformed Churches (CanRC) are a federation of over fifty Protestant Christian churches in Canada and the USA, with historical roots in the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands, and doctrinal roots in the sixteenth century Protestant Reformation. Its emphasis is on Biblical, Christ-centered, covenantal, redemptive-historical preaching and teaching, and holy living as a response of gratitude to the gospel.


Basic beliefs and doctrine

In the Canadian and American Reformed Churches, members believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God and the authoritative rule for all of life. The heart of the preaching and teaching in these churches is that Jesus of Nazareth is both true man and true God and is the long-awaited Messiah who suffered and died for the sins of God's people, and that this demands a thankful response of faith and obedience. Like other Reformed churches, they teach that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, follow Reformed (Calvinist) theology, and have adopted the Three Forms of Unity (Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, and Canons of Dort) as their doctrinal standards. Upon public profession of faith, members are understood to subscribe to these confessions as faithfully summarizing the doctrine of the Bible.


The Canadian Reformed Churches were founded by members of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Liberated) who immigrated to Canada following World War II. These Dutch immigrants first made contact with already-existing Reformed churches in Canada, especially the Protestant Reformed Churches in America (PRC) and the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA), in the hope that they could join with them. This was not possible, however, due to theological differences with the PRC, and the fact that the CRCNA sympathized with the churches which expelled the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Liberated) in 1944.

The first Canadian Reformed congregation was instituted in Lethbridge, Alberta on April 16, 1950. Currently there are over 50 congregations, which can be found in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario, as well as in the American states of Washington, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Colorado.

Church government

Believing that the government of the church must be regulated by the Bible, the Canadian Reformed Churches practice a traditionally Reformed "bottom-up" polity, as opposed to a "top-down" model of church government. This approach to church polity reflects their continental Reformed roots. It is both anti-hierarchical and anti-independent, promoting both the autonomy of the local church and the need to cooperate within a federation. For example, the question of whether or not women should be allowed to vote in church matters is a question that is left to be answered at the local level. It should be noted that although women may vote in some churches, they are still unable to hold office on councils or represent their churches at a synod level.

The government of the Canadian Reformed Churches is described in a church order based on the church order adopted by the Synod of Dort (1618–1619). The federation is divided into eight classical regions, with two annual regional synods and a general synod every three years.

Ecumenical relations

The Canadian Reformed Churches also have "ecclesiastical fellowship" with a number of Reformed and Presbyterian church federations, including the following:

The Americas:


Organic unity was being pursued with the United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA). Although close fellowship is maintained, the quest for organizational unity was called off in 2010. The Canadian Reformed Churches are a members of the International Conference of Reformed Churches (ICRC) and the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC).

Theological Education

Maintaining the principle that theological education must be maintained by the churches and for the churches, the federation operates the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary, which is located in Hamilton, Ontario.


  1. ^ J. Visscher (ed.), Yearbook Anno Domini 2010 Canadian and American Reformed Churches (Winnipeg: Premier Printing, 2010).

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